"I have this conviction that writing is the best way to communicate ideas. Written manuscripts cannot, of course, be interrogated. This particular drawback should, however, only remind a writer to be careful not to leave out details and at the same time to maintain a sense of relevance while writing. I will try to adhere to these two principles. Since I think of anyone who might get curious enough to read this article after just seeing..."
"...For if you have to prove the non-existence of something then you can’t help but feel that infinitely many nonexistent entities are (in effect) qualified for making the same demand of being dis-proven. ..."
"...I will, therefore, start with that of William Paley, a famous British theologian of the 19th century, then I will briefly discuss creation science and finally I will discuss intelligent design (in all cases assuming the role of a critic). The arguments given in support of these three appeals for design are, in essence, the same, but since they tackle the issue in varied historical contexts it is important to treat them separately..."
"I have for so long been convinced that life is purposeless, that there is no intrinsic meaning to it whatsoever. Recently and specially when I thought of discussing the subject in this site, however, things got me thinking of what it really means for life to be meaningless. I thought as hard as I could but wasn’t able to come up with a scenario, ideal or realistic, that could capture life for me in its meaningful version. Do you have any idea which, had it been true, you think could have rendered life purposeful? As for me, unless we redefine the concept of the word ‘purpose’ itself, life would still remain meaningless even if God existed."