
ጠንቅታት ዘይዕዉት ሓዳር

"ሰንበት ተመርዕዮም ሰኑይ ተፋቲሖም።" ዝብል ዕላላት ፈቀዱኡ እንሰምዖን ዳርጋ ልሙድ እናኾነ ዝኸይድ ዘሎን ኣሰካፊ ጉዳይ ኮይኑ'ሎ። ስለ'ዚ ብዛዕባ ጠንቂ ናይ'ዚ ፍትሕ ወይ ድማ ዘይዕዉት ሓዳር ምዝታይ ኣገዳሲን እዋናዊን ኮይኑ ስለዝተሰማዓኒ እየ ሎሚ ካብ ገለ መጽናዕታዊ ጽሑፋትን ካብ ትዕዝብትታተይን ዝረኸብክዎም፡ ገለገለ ጠንቅታት ዘይዕዉት ሓዳር ክዝርዝር ፈቲነ ዘለኹ።"

A satire: To learn from and unlearn

"Entay eu zbl zelo ata ezi" said, loudly, in an interjectional tone the twig he was using to brush his teeth with, nearly to fall. It was around seven in the morning as I could see from the digital clock blinking at the minibuses dashboard."


"...This brainwashing and societal stupidity is socially engineered by highly trained psychologists and implemented by hired expert journalists to control what you think, what you believe, what you eat and drink, what you consume (buy) and even how you behave; ..."

ጾታዊ ርክብ፡ ገለ ካብ ኣጠቓቕማ

"...ጾታዊ ርክብ ዝበዝሑ ሰባት ስምዒትካ ኣርዊኻ ናይ መጻምድትኻ ስምዒታት ኣብ ግምት ከየእተኻ ከም ምፍጻም እዮም ዝርድእዎ። እቲ ሓቂ ግን ከምኡ ኣይኮነን። ተመራመርቲ ኣብ ብዙሓት ዕዉታት ሰብ ሓዳር ኣብ ዝገበርዎ መጽናዕትታትን ዝጥቀሙሉ ኣገባባት ጾታዊ ርክብን ዘዳለውዎ ጽሑፋት ነዚ ይመስል።..."

ክልተ ሰብ ርእስኻ የላን እንተበሉኻ ሃሰስ በላ፡ መኣስን ኣበይን፧

"እቲ ቀደም ዘመንሲ እዛ ንነብረላ ዘለና ምድሪ ዘይኮነት ኣብ ዙርያ ጸሓይ ትዘውርሲ ጸሓይ ንባዕላ እያ ኣብ ዙርያ ምድሪ ትዘውር ይበሃል ነይሩ።ደሓን ይእቶ ፖላንዳዊ ኒኮላስ ኮፐርኒከስ ኣብ ምቕያር እዚ ሓቂ'ዚ ዓቢ ኣበርክቶ ዝገበረ። ዓለም ምስ ተፈጥረኣዊ ሕግታት ምቕያር ትቃለስ ንሕና ካኣ ኣብ ሰልሚ ብኣሉታውነት ዝዘቕበቡ ምስላታት ተዋሒጥና ንነብር።..."

Social media: A blessing in disguise

"...One of the most breathtaking breakthroughs in technology, which made life easier, distance shorter and communication faster is the invention of the many kinds of social media; it is becoming an inevitable component in the lives of billions of people all around the globe..."

ሓዳርን ዓራትን

"ንምንታይ ኢና ግን ኣብ ሓዳር ጾታዊ ርክብ ክንፍጽም ንግደድ? መልሱ፡ ኣብ ሓንጎልና ሓደ PEA ዝበሃል ቀመም ወይ ኬሚካል ኣሎ። እዚ ቀመም ስርሑ፡ ብዓይኒ ርክብ ንጥምቶም ደስ ዝብሉና ሰባት ክንርእይ ከለና፡ ነቲ ናይ ፍትወትን ሕጉስ መንፈስን ስምዒታት ዘለዓዕል ቀመም እዩ። ኣብ ኣካላትና፡ ብደምና እንዳተዛወረ ደስ ዝብል ስምዒት ይፈጥር። እንተኾነ ግን ድሕሪ ከባቢ ክልተ ዓመት ኣቢሉ እዚ ቀመም እዚ እንዳጠፈአ ይኸይድ’ሞ፡"

Facebook Names: The Eritrean way

"Six or seven years ago when I was first signing up for Facebook, I filled up the boxes honestly, as exactly as Facebook demanded. Six years ago one can easily find a missing person if the person happened to have a Facebook address, and gets automatically connected. Having Facebook was serving the purpose of getting connected to loved ones, relatives, co-workers and etc. Today, another use of Facebook is being unfolded..."

The white Massai ; On interracial and intercultural marriages

"...concessions just to fit into each other's’ cultural values, the ups and downs, their frustrations were far greater and reached a point where their marriage could not support it any more. It crumbled. What triggered me to write about this particular issue of interracial and intercultural marriages is ..."
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ጥበብ ኣብ ደርፊ

ግጥማዊ ትሕዝቶ ሓንቲ ደርፊ ኣዝዩ ወሳኒ እዩ። ዘይወድቕ ኮይኑ ንኽነብር ከኣ ፍልስፍናዊ መልክዑ ብጥበብ ክስራሕ ናይ ግድን'ዩ ክኸውን ዝግበኦ።
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